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What we have learnt in the twelfth and thirteenth week?

()(shí)(èr)(shí)(sān)(zhōu)()(men)(xué)()(le)What we have learnt in the twelfth and thirteenth week
(gǎn)(ēn)(jié)(xiāng)(guān)(shì)()(míng)(chēng)Things in Thanksgiving
(gǎn)(ēn)(jié)    Thanksgiving                 ()()      corn

(yìn)()(ān)(rén)  Indian people              ()(dòu)()    mashed potatoes

(huǒ)()      turkey                           (ròu)(zhī)      meat soup

(nán)(guā)(gāo)    pumpkin pie                 (shuǐ)(guǒ)      fruit

1.      (huǒ)()(jié)    Turkey Day
2.      (gǎn)(ēn)(jié)    Thanksgiving Day

(huǒ)()(huǒ)()(kàn)(zháo)()  Chinese song: “Turkey is looking at me”

(xiāng)(guān)()(xíng)The sentences of Thanksgiving Day comes
感恩节(gǎnēnjié)(dào)(le)()谢谢(xièxiè)爸爸(bàba)妈妈(māmā) Thanksgiving Day comes, I appreciate dad, mom.
感恩节(gǎnēnjié)(dào)(le)()谢谢(xièxiè)哥哥(gēgē)姐姐(jiějiě)弟弟(dìdì)妹妹(mèimèi)Thanksgiving Day comes, I appreciate big brother, big sister, little brother and little sister.
感恩节(gǎnēnjié)(dào)(le)()谢谢(xièxiè)印第安人。Thanksgiving Day comes, I appreciate Indian people.
(gǎn)(ēn)(jié)(dào)(le)()(xiè)(xiè)(huǒ)()  Thanksgiving Day comes, I appreciate turkey.
Thanksgiving Day comes, I eat turkey; I eat pumpkin pie; I eat corn; I eat                                mashed potatoes; I eat meat soup; I eat fruit.
(gǎn)(ēn)(jié)(kuài)()Happy Thanksgiving!

()(men)(zhì)(zuò)(le)We made
(zhǐ)(pán)火鸡(huǒjī)        paper-plate turkey
印第安人(yìndìānrén)头饰(tóushì)    headband of Indian people
清教徒(qīngjiàotú)头饰(tóushì)      hat of Pilgrim
感恩节(gǎnēnjié)(xiǎo)(shū)      small book of Thanksgiving Day

()()        Calendar
(shù)()1-49    Numbers 1-49
()()(le)(yuán)(xíng)(zhèng)(fāng)(xíng), (sān)(jiǎo)(xíng)()(cháng)(fāng)(xíng)   Reviewed circle, square, triangle and rectangle
(xué)()(le)()()(huān)_______。”            Learnt I like_______. (shapes)
(yán)()(zhòng)()(guī)() Color patterns
(tǒng)()         Graph ofMy favorite shape& my favorite farm animal

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