
Welcome To My Class!

We are sooooo excited for the new year! Stay tuned for more updates on the website. Thank you for all your support. You are great!!!

What we have learnt in the eleventh week?

()(shí)()(zhōu)()(men)(xué)()(le)What we have learnt in the eleventh week
()(shēng)(mìng)(shì)()(míng)(chēng)Names of non-living things
()(shí)(tóu)  big rock                       (zhí)()    plants

(xiǎo)(shí)(tóu)  small rock                     (shuǐ)      water

(fēng)      wind                               (bīng)      ice

()(shí)(tóu)()(xiǎo)(shí)(tóu)    Chinese song Big rock and small rock

(xiāng)(guān)()(xíng) The sentences of How big rocks break down into small rocks
(fēng)(chuī)()石头(shítóu)变成(biànchéng)(le)(xiǎo)石头(shítóu) Wind blows, big rocks break down into small rocks;
植物(zhíwù)生长(shēngcháng)()石头(shítóu)变成(biànchéng)(le)(xiǎo)石头(shítóu) Plants grow, big rocks break down into small rocks;
水流(shuǐliú)()石头(shítóu)变成(biànchéng)(le)(xiǎo)石头(shítóu)Water flows, big rocks break down into small rocks;
(bīng)(péng)(zhàng)()(shí)(tóu)(biàn)(chéng)(le)(xiǎo)(shí)(tóu)Ice expands, big rocks break down into small rocks;

()(men)(zhì)(zuò)(le)We made
()(shí)(tóu)(biàn)(chéng)(xiǎo)(shí)(tóu)(de)(xiǎo)(shū)(bìng)(jìn)(xíng)(le)(biǎo)(yǎn)  We made kinds of small books of Big rocks break down into small rocks and we acted it.

()()        Calendar
(shù)()1-34    Numbers 1-34
()()(le)(yuán)(xíng)(zhèng)(fāng)(xíng), (sān)(jiǎo)(xíng)()(cháng)(fāng)(xíng)   Reviewed circle, square, triangle and rectangle
(yán)()(zhòng)()(guī)() Color patterns
(tǒng)()         Graph of my favorite pet& first idea of more than/ less than

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