
Welcome To My Class!

We are sooooo excited for the new year! Stay tuned for more updates on the website. Thank you for all your support. You are great!!!

What we have learnt in the ninth week?

()(jiǔ)(zhōu)()(men)(xué)()(le)What we have learnt in the ninth week
(dòng)()(míng)(chēng)Names of the animals:
(zhī)(zhū)    spider                  (gǒu)        dog
()      horse                   (māo)        cat
()(niú)    cow                    ()(zi)      duck
(mián)(yáng)    sheep                   (gōng)()      rooster
(shān)(yáng)    goat                    (cāng)(yíng)      fly
(zhū)      pig                     (māo)(tóu)(yīng)    owl

(wàn)(shèng)(jié)Words of Halloween
(wàn)(shèng)(jié)  Halloween              ()()      witch
(biān)()    bat                     (nán)(guā)      pumpkin
(guǐ)      ghost                   (táng)(guǒ)      candies
(wàn)(shèng)(jié)(kuài)()Happy Halloween!

(hǎo)(máng)(de)(zhī)(zhū)  The Very Busy Spider

1.      (xiǎo)()()(guāi)(guāi)            Very Good Little Rabbit
2.      (zhī)(zhū)(zài)(wǎng)(shàng)            Spider Is On The Web
3.()(de)(péng)(yǒu)(zài)()(li)?”  Where Is My Friend?

(xiāng)(guān)()(xíng)()(duì)(huà)The sentences of the story Very Busy Spider
 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)()               The spider sees the horse. 
 (zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(mián)(yáng)             The spider sees the sheep.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(shān)(yáng)             The spider sees the goat.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(zhū)               The spider sees the pig.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(gǒu)               The spider sees the dog.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(māo)               The spider sees the cat.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)()(zi)             The spider sees the duck.
(zhī)(zhū)(méi)(yǒu)(huí)()()(zhèng)(máng)(zháo)(zhī)(wǎng)(ne)The spider does not answer. He is busy webbing.

 (zhī)(zhū)(kàn)(jiàn)(le)(gōng)()             The spider sees the rooster.
 (zhī)(zhū)(zài)(wǎng)(shàng)(zhuō)(zhù)(le)(cāng)(yíng)       He caught the fly on his web.

(zhì)(zuò)(le)We made
(zhī)(zhū)      spiders
(nán)(guā)      pumpkins
(biān)()      bat
(hǎo)(máng)(de)(zhī)(zhū)(xiǎo)(shū)  animal cards and small book of The Very Busy Spider
()()        Calendar
(shù)()1-30    Numbers 1-30
()()(le)(yuán)(xíng)(zhèng)(fāng)(xíng)()(sān)(jiǎo)(xíng)   Reviewed circle, square and triangle
(xué)()(le)(cháng)(fāng)(xíng)  Learnt rectangle
(jiǎn)(dān)(zhòng)()(guī)() AAAB pattern
(tǒng)()         Graph ofmy favorite pet

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